
Yacine Limane
3 min readOct 21, 2020


In the last post, we talked about creativity, in this post we are going to see one of the most important things related to creativity, a kind of fuel which trigger and unleash creativity, imagination.


What is imagination?

Imagination is defined as the capacity to form mental images, sensations, and representations without the use of the senses. In psychology: “Imagination refers to the ability to mentally represent sensations that are not physically present, for example: when a person contemplates the smell and taste of a lemon without even seeing or tasting it”.

Imagination is a powerful tool for making changes. If we see the world around us if we see our environment our day to day life, many indispensable things are the fruit of good and positive imagination which 20 or 30 years ago was imagined by some creative people who with a good and strong creativity process realized the world of today.

Famous people and imagination:

Steve Jobs once imagined that any family can have a computer in their house and came up with the personal computer with his partner Steve Wozniak, in a time where computers were only affordable by big companies like IBM at that time.

Larry Page imagined a search engine that could be a central source of all kind of information and came up with what is considered as one of the greatest inventions in the history of the IT industry “google” which has transformed the way we consume information and has bypassed many other competitors in the same field.

Mark Zuckerburg imagined an intranet website where students of the university can communicate with each other virtually and share photos and make friends and he came up with one of the pioneers of the social networking “Facebook“, developing day after day with more and more Artificial Intelligence algorithms and even becomes a dangerous tool of propaganda and people manipulating weapon. Back on time even before those men, a physicist whose most theories were based on his imagination and changed laws of physics even decades after his death “Albert Einstein” who also said “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, Einstein saw knowledge as a limited thing whereas imagination can go beyond the borders of reality. If we take a close look at imagination we see that it can encircle the world, imagination can take you to places you have never been before, imagination stimulates progress, imagination is the mother of evolution.

Imagination and the good life:

When we set goals in our lives if we have a good imagination we can define all the small steps that make progress towards these goals, with imagination we can predict problems and anticipate their solutions, with imagination we can try out various solutions and develop tools and keys, to turn our goals into reality.

Imagination has gone farther than that, in the medical field imagination can play a role in healing “I read in a book once that a man who was diagnosed with cancer helped his treatment process by his imagination, he used to imagine his white blood cells as knights attacking cancer’s cells and this helped his healing”, also in mental health imagination can contribute to self-happiness by envisioning happy endings for the situations, or positive outcomes of our actions.

Everyone should be aware that imagination is a power that we should train in order to reach mental well-being and self spiritual calm and to fix goals with solid bases as we can easily achieve them, otherwise neglecting imagination and feeding it with random and negative thoughts can be a very source of depression or anxiety and many interpersonal problems and even a source of self-sabotage and failure.


So as advice everyone should or have to: Supervise his imagination, manage it, shape it, guide it and then unleash it, to live a better life.

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Yacine Limane

Hello, I am a computer scientist and Graphic Designer, and I write about high-tech, graphic design, and sometimes I just write about what comes to my mind.